HWC Logistics provides a complete range of CFS services to all consolidators, freight forwarders and NVOCCs. Ocean import containers are stripped out and segregated by house bill, cleared through Customs at our facility, and then can be shipped to the consignee on our fleet of trucks providing an integrated and efficient supply chain solution.
All cargo at HWC can be tracked with the click of a button. Our website provides real time availability, charges and POD information. You are just a click away. Send all release documentation for CFS frt to
Value added services that we offer also include palletizing and shrink-wrap, segregation by product, segregation by distribution center, and short term storage and distribution.
Customs Bonded Warehousing
HWC Logistics operates and offers our customers the benefits of U.S. Customs Bonded Warehouse storage. This service allows our customers to store goods for up to five years in the bonded warehouse section of our warehouse, deferring the payment of duties until the cargo is entered for consumption. This provides a cash flow advantage for those customers waiting to sell their product. In Atlanta HWC offers Customs Bonded Warehousing, all other locations operate as CFS stations.
Cargo stored in a bonded warehouse can also be manipulated and repacked prior to release and shipment to the final destination. Another benefit of bonded warehouse storage is that cargo can be re-exported out of the U.S. and no duty will have to be paid.
General Order
HWC Logistics operates a General Order warehouse where cargo that has not been cleared within 15 days of importation is sent to U.S. Customs.
We offer this General Order service to all airlines, CFS stations, railroads and steamship lines who have to nominate a warehouse to Customs. We provide the transportation of the goods to our warehouse at no cost to the origination station and we will protect your liens on cargo that is cleared. Cargo that is not cleared is sent to auction by U.S. Customs on a regular schedule.
As with all our services we provide web visibility for all shipments located in our warehouse to the trade and originating stations.
HWC Logistics provides courier services to the Atlanta import and export community. We were the originator of this service and have been providing a reliable, neutral and cost effective service to the Atlanta market since 1981. The service we offer include: